Artificial Intelligence

Smokeball Showdown: AI and Legal Technology with VXT

We question our integration partner VXT on all things AI and legal tech in the first video of our new Smokeball Showdown series.

🔗 Click here to learn more about VXT and how they integrate with Smokeball

Our Partnerships Manager Emma Erlach and VXT CEO Luke Campbell answer some burning questions about AI and legal technology while eating delicious chicken with some familiar looking hot sauces! They'll answer all the important questions such as:

➡️ How can AI supercharge #LegalTech?

➡️ Which country really invented the pavlova?

➡️ What the heck does VXT stand for?

All is revealed in the Smokeball Showdown! 🔥

This Showdown challenge is inspired by the Hot Ones series by FirstWeFeast.

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Dec 04, 2024