Litigation Law Forms and Precedents

Smokeball houses thousands of practice area-specific Federal, State, administrative, and publicly available forms. You and your staff will eliminate time and error by knowing that you have the most up-to-date legal documents with accurate information automatically pulled from the Smokeball file.

New South Wales

Local Court Listing Advice

  • Notice of Appearance in Summary Criminal Trials
  • UCPR Forms
  • Affidavit - Form 40
  • Affidavit as to Defacto Status - Form 127
  • Affidavit of Applicant - Form 119
  • Affidavit of Executor - Form 118
  • Affidavit of Service - Form 41
  • Affidavit that Deceased was not in a Defacto Relationship - Form 126
  • Appearance - Form 6A
  • Consent Judgment or Order - Form 44
  • Consent to Administration - Form 125
  • Defence - Filing Party Legally Represented - Form 7A
  • General Form - Form 1
  • Grant (Probate or Letters of Administration) - Form 112
  • Inventory of Property - Form 117
  • Notice of Ceasing to Act - Form 80
  • Notice of Change of Solicitor or Appointment of Solicitor - Form 77
  • Notice of Discontinuance- Form 33
  • Notice of Intended Application for Probate - Form 116
  • Notice of Intended Distribution - Form 114
  • Notice of Intention to File Notice of Ceasing to Act - Form 79
  • Notice of Motion - Form 20
  • Notice to Produce to Court - Form 24
  • Order for Production - Form 29
  • Reply - Form 8
  • Statement of Claim - Filing Party Legally Represented - Form 3A
  • Subpoena to Attend to Give Evidence - Form 25
  • Subpoena to Give Evidence and Produce with Subpoena Notice and Declaration - Form 27A
  • Subpoena to Produce with Subpoena Notice and Declaration - Form 26A
  • Summons - Filing Party Legally Represented - Form 4A
  • Summons for Probate or Letters of Administration - Form 111


  • Brief to Counsel
  • File cover sheet
  • Initial letter to Client with Cost Disclosure
  • Letter of Demand
  • Letter to Client finalising matter
  • Letter to Client reporting outcome of Court appearance
  • Letter to Other Side serving documents
  • Letter to Process Server (serving Other Side)
  • Letter to Process Server (General)
  • Sample Costs Disclosure and Costs Agreement
  • Standard Costs Disclosure Form for Clients - Fees Under $3000 - Schedule 1 Form 1
  • Tax Invoice - Basic Table
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Electronic Conveyancing
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Paper Conveyancing


County Court of Victoria

  • Affidavit
  • Affidavit of Service of Writ on a Company
  • Affidavit of Service of Writ on a Person
  • Defence
  • Notice of Appearance
  • Notice of Discovery
  • Overarching Obligations Certification
  • Proper Basis Certification
  • Request to Enter a List
  • Subpoena Both to Attend to give Evidence and to Produce
  • Subpoena to Attend to Give Evidence
  • Subpoena to Produce
  • Summons
  • Writ

Magistrates Court of Victoria

  • Affidavit/Declaration of Service
  • Affidavit in Support
  • Application for Order in Default of Defence
  • Certification of Prior Overarching Obligations Certification
  • Complaint
  • Interlocutory Summons
  • Notice of Defence
  • Notice of Defence (Non-automated for use with Complaint)
  • Overarching Obligations Certification
  • Proper Basis Certification
  • Subpoena Both to Attend to Give Evidence and to Produce
  • Subpoena to Attend to Give Evidence
  • Subpoena to Produce
  • Summons to Attend for Oral Examination

Supreme Court of Victoria

  • Affidavit
  • Defence
  • Notice of Appearance
  • Originating Motion
  • Overarching Obligations Certification
  • Proper Basis Certification
  • Subpoena to Attend to give Evidence
  • Subpoena to both Attend to give Evidence and to Produce
  • Subpoena to Produce
  • Summons
  • Summons on Originating Motion
  • Writ
  • Advertisement Example
  • Affidavit of Administrator
  • Affidavit of Executor
  • Affidavit of Publication of Notice and Searches
  • Inventory of Asset and Liabilities
  • Lodging Fee Form
  • Order of the Registrar
  • Originating Motion
  • Parchment


  • Brief to Counsel
  • File cover sheet
  • Initial letter to Client with Cost Disclosure
  • Letter of Demand
  • Letter to Client finalising matter
  • Letter to Client reporting outcome of Court appearance
  • Letter to Defendant Warning of Entry of Default Judgment
  • Letter to Other Side enclosing Notice of Hearing
  • Letter to Other Side serving documents
  • Letter to Process Server (General)
  • Letter to Process Server (serving Other Side)
  • Sample Costs Disclosure and Costs Agreement
  • Standard Costs Disclosure Form for Clients - Fees Under $3000 - Schedule 1 Form 1
  • Tax Invoice - Basic Table
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Electronic Conveyancing
  • Verification of Identity Certificate - Paper Conveyancing


  • Affidavit
  • Application
  • Certificate of Exhibit
  • Certificate of Explanation of Duty of Disclosure
  • Claim
  • Conditional Notice of Intention to Defend
  • Defence
  • Judgement
  • List of Documents
  • Notice of Appointment of Solicitor
  • Notice of Change of Solicitor
  • Notice of Discontinuance
  • Notice of Intention to Defend
  • Notice of Withdrawal of Solicitors
  • Notice that Party Acting in Person
  • Order
  • Reply
  • Request for Further and Better Particulars
  • Request for Subpoena
  • Request for Trial Date
  • Statement of Claim
  • Subpoena for Production
  • Subpoena for Production and to give Evidence
  • Subpoena to give Evidence


  • Brief to Counsel
  • Communicate Information Sheet
  • File cover sheet
  • Initial letter to Client with Cost Disclosure
  • Letter of Demand
  • Letter to Client finalising matter
  • Letter to Client reporting outcome of Court appearance
  • Letter to Other Side requesting documents
  • Letter to Other Side serving documents
  • Letter to Process Server (General)
  • Letter to Process Server (serving Other Side)
  • General Litigation - Booklet
  • General Litigation - Disclosure Letter
  • General Litigation - Initial Letter to Client
  • General Litigation - Booklet
  • General Litigation - Disclosure Letter
  • General Litigation - Initial Letter to Client

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